Monday, July 11, 2016

Old Yeller

July 2016

Pickaway to Garden


Old Yeller

By Paul Hang


Old yeller can conjure up many things. I don’t mean the dog story, although July brings the dog days of summer.  I don’t mean the sun, although July sure brings a lot of it. I don’t mean the House Wren, although they are yelling, in their way, seemingly from dawn to dusk I don’t mean that guy down the block who loudly tells the neighborhood kids to get off his lawn. I don’t mean the color of grandpa’s undershirt.


 I mean the color yellow that we see in almost every bloom this month. Yellow is everywhere. Old yeller could be a name for the month.  Yellow is also the color of pollen and honey.  Sunflower, Black and Brown Eyed Susan, Coreopsis, Cup Plant, squash blossoms, cinquefoils, the center of oxeye daisies, jewel weed and the ubiquitous Stella D’oro Day Lily are just a few of the flowers that show their warm colors.  It’s as if the blooms are imitating the sun making us feel warmer.


There are other summer colors besides yellow, the blue of the sky and the many shades of lush greenery. There is the startling blue of chicory, Queen Anne’s lace reflecting the whiteness of the clouds above in the fields below, the orange of ditch lilies, all add to the colorful feast.


July is early to mid-summer, the first full month of summer. By the end of the month days will be noticeably shorter. I hesitate to say it but we will also begin to experience hints of the coming fall.  By the end of the month we will have lost over a half hour of daylight and the dog days will have begun.


Check for bulletins addressing problems you notice in the garden. Keep calm. Remember most bugs are harmless; most plant problems are beyond help, once we notice them. This is not to jaundice you (don’t be an old yeller) but to encourage enjoyment of the season and the gardening activity that afflicts a lot of us.


I read where gardening is the most popular hobby for Americans. Need gardening advice? Call the Gardening Helpline 474-7534. and, to read a weekly discussion of problems facing those of us who “grow things,” check out Buckeye Yard and Garden Line (bygl) is a real education. You learn, for instance, that problems you may be having with certain plants are also being experienced by others. Experts discuss what to do. It is updated weekly.


Things to do in the garden:


This is the time to dry herbs. The best flavor is had by harvesting just before they flower. Pick on a sunny dry day and in the morning. Tie them in small bundles with rubber bands. Hang them upside down in a hot, dry, dark, well ventilated spot in an attic, barn or shed. This is also the time to harvest garlic and hang them or lay them out to dry and cure. Harvest when leaves are turning yellow but there are still one or two green leaves.


The gardening season is in full swing. Weeding, deadheading and watering are high on the list of routine activities. If July turns out to be bone dry as usual, water the equivalent of one inch per week. Mulch to conserve moisture and keep down weeds. If you haven’t mulched yet do so after a soaking thunderstorm or a good watering. Vegetables higher in water content need more water e.g. watermelons, onions vs. green beans.


Keep your mower blades sharp; cut your grass long, 3 inches is ideal. If you use a pesticide for grubs you are also killing the ones that produce fireflies. Consider organic methods if you have a grub problem.  Kill Japanese beetle scouts before they let their comrades know about your garden. Brush them off into a cup of soapy water or alcohol (not Jim Beam). Repeatedly letting the lawn go dormant and reviving it by watering can kill the grass. Either keep watering or wait for Mother Nature to do it for you. Don’t forget to water your compost heap. It needs to remain moist for fast decomposition.


Going on vacation? Water well before you leave. Place container plants in a shady area. They should do fine for a week depending on the weather. If you will be gone longer have someone reliable come over and water regularly. Container plants in the hot sun may need watering daily.


If your grafted trees or roses are sprouting below the graft, cut the sprouts off.

Keep picking seed pods off the annuals and clipping spent flowers (deadheading) to encourage bloom all summer. Pinch back mums July 15th for the last time.


Always read the labels on your plants for fertilization, however most woody plants have pretty much completed their growth and their buds for next year. So fertilizing trees and shrubs after early July is a waste of money and may harm the plant. Keep watering trees and shrubs planted in the past 2-3 years.


Consider planting a fall garden this month. Cool weather vegetables can be planted  this month to take advantage of the coming cool fall weather. Plants such as cabbage, broccoli, spinach, collards, cauliflower, Brussel sprouts (plant seeds now, seedlings by mid-month), kale, Swiss chard even beets and parsnips thrive in our fall weather. If it is hot and dry, consider starting your plants indoors (except for root crops). Acclimate them to the sun before putting them out in the garden.


Other vegetables that grow well in cool weather but should be planted a little later because they mature quickly and don’t do well in heat are: lettuce planted through August and September, carrots and radishes in September.  With a cover, when frost threatens, I have harvested fresh salad greens for Thanksgiving dinner. There are about 110 days before the average frost, veggies that have that many days to harvest can still be planted . Check the seed packet. There are also some other varieties of vegetables that can overwinter for harvesting in the spring.  Check varieties in seed catalogs or on-line. Order now.

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